Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes sentenced to 18 years for leading Jan. 6 seditious conspiracy


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Jun 18, 2007

A federal judge sentenced Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes to 18 years in prison Thursday for his role leading a seditious conspiracy to disrupt the certification of President Joe Biden's election victory that culminated in the violent assault on the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.
Rhodes sentence is now the longest to date handed down to a defendant charged in connection with the Capitol assault.
For the first time in a Jan. 6 case, D.C. District Judge Amit Mehta accepted the government's recommendation to apply an enhancement for terrorism in Rhodes' sentencing. Judge Mehta agreed with prosecutors that Rhodes "inspired the use of violence" in his followers to disrupt the certification and that his conduct met the legal definition of terrorism intended to influence the actions of government.
Judge Mehta cited the stockpile of weapons the Oath Keepers had amassed just outside of Washington, D.C. on Jan. 6, as well as Rhodes' orders for members to delete incriminating messages after the Capitol assault.
"You, sir, present an ongoing threat and peril to this country," Judge Mehta told Rhodes just before handing down his sentence.
Before his sentence was handed down, Rhodes opted to address Judge Mehta in defiant remarks maintaining his innocence and describing himself as a "political prisoner."
Like President Trump, my only crime is opposing those who are destroying our country," Rhodes said.
In his own remarks just before handing down his sentence, Mehta pushed back directly on Rhodes' claims of being a political prisoner, saying instead he poses an "ongoing threat to this country."
"For decades it is clear that you wanted the democracy in this country to devolve into violence," Mehta said. "You're not a political prisoner. You're here because 12 jurors in D.C. who acquitted you of multiple counts found you guilty of sedition."
“It could have been a far uglier day ... and people should not forget that,” he said of Jan. 6.
The harshest sentence thus far for a defendant charged in connection with Jan. 6 was 170 months, or just over 14 years.
The Justice Department was seeking 25 years for Rhodes, with a prosecutor saying in court Thursday that a harsh sentence was critical "to ensure the respect for the rule of law that is essential to the survival of our democracy."
Assistant U.S. Attorney Kathryn Rakoczy said Rhodes "doggedly drilled in the minds of those on his chats, and those followers of the Oath Keepers the lie of the election fraud, and the false need to act like the Founding Fathers in order to save in his view, our Constitution and our country." She said it was "neither the first time nor the last time that he will seek to organize political violence in our country," and pointed to statements he made from jail just four days ago to a protest gathered outside where he said it would "take regime change" to fix the wrongs being done by the Biden Administration.
"It's not going to stop until its stopped," Rakoczy said, quoting Rhodes' remarks.
Rhodes was convicted of seditious conspiracy against the United States last November. A jury found he and other members of the group played a principal role in disrupting the certification of Joe Biden's 2020 election victory.
The decision marked the first successful seditious conspiracy conviction by a jury since 1995.
Justice Department prosecutors sought 25 years for Rhodes, their highest recommendation yet for a defendant charged in connection with Jan. 6.
In their sentencing recommendation to Judge Mehta, they argued repeatedly that harsh sentences for all the Oath Keepers charged in the conspiracy were necessary in order to deter future potential attacks against democracy.
Juries in two separate trials returned convictions against Rhodes and eight of his associates on a variety of serious felony charges, though three from the group were acquitted of the most serious charge of seditious conspiracy.
Relying on a trove of messages between the group's members discussing "civil war" in the event of Biden taking office, prosecutors argued that Rhodes and his co-conspirators were willing to take any action necessary, including using force, to stop the certification.
Prosecutors also presented extensive evidence of the group's planning in advance of Jan. 6, showing how members stashed a massive cache of weapons at a hotel just outside city limits that the government argued would be transported into Washington in the event Trump invoked the Insurrection Act.
Stemming from unfounded claims of election fraud, the defendants railed against the government in private chats and social media posts.
Rhodes remained defiant in remarks before his sentence was ultimately handed down on Thursday.
On Wednesday, police officers who defended the Capitol and a Senate aide who carried the official 2020 election documents spoke in court to explain the continuing trauma they face more than two years after the riots.
"We were assaulted time and time again," D.C. police officer Christopher Owens told he court. He talked about the violent mob repeatedly grabbing at his police gear, even trying to take his weapon.
His voice heavy with emotion, Owens described coming home to his family and his wife sobbing after seeing his bruised and battered his body.
"We experienced physical trauma, emotional trauma and mental trauma," he said.
Judge Mehta thanked each of the witnesses for their remarks and government service.

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
This is an unconscionable overreach by the government.

What exactly did the guy actually do? Not a fucking thing!
Doesn't matter to the left if he didn't do anything. Their on one side, we're on the other.
Dec 11, 2006
Doesn't matter to the left if he didn't do anything. Their on one side, we're on the other.
I'm on the side of truth and justice. Justice is supposed to be politically blind in this country.

I would feel the same way if that guy was Antifa or BLM or gay activists or anyone else.

What, actually, did he do? I'm waiting for that answer. 18 fucking years for what?
Aug 13, 2008
trump will pardon the sentence in a couple of years, what ever happened to the Minnesota or Kenosha Rioter Criminals.
Dec 11, 2006
Then he must have had shitty lawyers.
That touches on the point, charlie.

Do you know how much money it takes to hire the appropriately connected team of Washington lawyers with the necessary credentials and gravitas to fight the full force of the US Government?

The guy is likely a regular stiff who couldn't smell that kind of money.

The Government knows that. Political prosecution!

Sep 21, 2004
He looks fucking cool. Like he belongs on the open seas.

What a bad ass!

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
Oath Keepers, libtards have no idea what that means. Be there, raise your children, pay your bills...

The stupid fucks loot, riot, put a seige on police stations, burn police stations, burn police cars, occupy city blocks, murder, assault and condone it all

Without consequence

The inconsistencies and hypocrisy is all easy too see. Then again, why should we expect anything more from people who elect a Biden, Fedderman, Waters, the Squad.... just as dumb as they come

Fuck them and anyone who thinks like them. They fuck up everything they touch
Mar 23, 2022
That touches on the point, charlie.

Do you know how much money it takes to hire the appropriately connected team of Washington lawyers with the necessary credentials and gravitas to fight the full force of the US Government?

The guy is likely a regular stiff who couldn't smell that kind of money.

The Government knows that. Political prosecution!
You mean these kind of groups don’t have enough support to hire top lawyers? Didn’t you send money to support his cause? You should have the way you are supporting him.

Oct 25, 2022
Small criminals go to jail while these big time criminals become a part of the government.

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
trump will pardon the sentence in a couple of years, what ever happened to the Minnesota or Kenosha Rioter Criminals.

Libtard Nation stands with them

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
You mean these kind of groups don’t have enough support to hire top lawyers? Didn’t you send money to support his cause? You should have the way you are supporting him.

What difference does an attorney make? When you obviously have a politically motivated judge?

Try to keep up

Sep 21, 2004
I actually have enjoyed watching these idiots who played like they are on the cast of the Sopranos getting these long sentences.

Enjoy ur time.

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
Liberals love inconsistencies in the law, it's their political life's blood

I want the law to be applied consistently

Different standards, no surprise

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